Dheya in Collaboration with 58 Armoured Brigade, Kapurthala, Punjab conducted Career Guidance workshop for students & parents.

Dheya in Collaboration with 58 Armoured Brigade

Dheya conducted a Career Guidance Program for children and parents in collaboration with 58 Armoured Brigade, Kapurthala, Punjab . The program comprised of an online orientation workshop on 8th July, 2022 followed by personalized one-to-one offline sessions during 12th July-14th July at Kapurthala for approximately 50 students and their parents. All students took psychometric assessment on Dheya portal to identify their strengths and interest.

It was inspiring to see the energy and strong will and determination among students. All students were excited to learn about their strengths and build aspirational career destination based on their strengths and interest.

The hospitality of the army unit 58 Armored Brigade was also amazing. We really enjoyed guiding the children of the men who protect us at the borders.
Looking forward to more such interactions.

Jai Hind.


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